Why we become a Hypocrite?

Who is a hypocrite?

Some people say that we believe in Allah and the Day of Resurrection, but in reality they are not believers.
Surah Al BAQARA aayt 8.

A hypocrite is one who has a difference in his words, thoughts and actions, that is, if he gives an opinion about someone with his tongue, he thinks the exact opposite of it from his heart. He claims things with his tongue which he definitely does not intend to do.

literally; The word hypocrite is derived from (nafq) and in Arabic it means “crossing”; or a tunnel with both mouths open. Just as it is derived from faith (aman), the meaning of going down is, its opposite (anfaq). Crossing over is like a hypocrite who has no faith in him.

What is the mental/psychological condition of a hypocrite?

A hypocrite is actually a victim of self-deception, that is, he deceives himself.

How does hypocrisy begin? 

Hypocrisy in humans begins with selfishness. He does every legitimate and illegitimate thing just to fulfill his desires.

Besides this, he always keeps some excuse ready to justify his self-created false ideas.

Is hypocrisy a disease that spreads by itself? How?

The main cause of hypocrisy in us is not only lies, but the kind of lies that are related to our heart. Like the lie of our heart. This is the main reason for its spread.

For example, telling a lie is a sign of hypocrisy. If you are ashamed of your actions after that, hypocrisy will not spread further, but! When we encourage ourselves for our wrongdoings by wronging someone, telling lies, cheating with someone. Instead of shame, they offer self-made justifications for their wrong behavior. Then we inculcate in us the conscience that recognizes right and wrong and if this is done repeatedly, there comes a time when we think everything we say is right, we do not see any flaws in ourselves and then hypocrisy spreads so much and Our conscience dies.

Is hypocrisy related to the heart or the mind?

Hypocrisy is from the heart and it is more dangerous than the mind. For example, how? Do you still remember the math formulas you did in 10th class? Of course the answer to most would be, no 😅!

Do you remember, which fruit Mirza Ghalib liked a lot? Or how to cut nails? Regarding this, you must remember the mangoes and even after seeing the nails cutting once, you still remember them. why so ? Because we memorized mathematical formulas only to get marks, we did not relate them to our life. While mangoes and nails are remembered because we have not only heard them or rotten , but have used them in our daily life.

Information is never fully understood at once. First, its foundation is established, then gradually our conceptual framework is developed, then a “theory” building is developed, and then it becomes part of our habits.

Therefore, hypocrisy is also related to the heart because you often do not tell lies without thinking, but it slips from the tongue itself as if your sudden reactions

show your habits and lying is a sign of hypocrisy.

What does the Qur’an say about the hypocrite’s mental state?

And I know it And they are not conscious.

Al BAQARA aayt 9.

The major disadvantage of hypocrisy is that we do not recognize ourselves. The Arabic word (Yasharun) comes from Shi’ar, it means hair. For example, if a hair is pulled from a part of your head, you immediately know that place because of the pain, we feel due to sense of feeling . This consciousness ends in the hypocrite. If his conscience makes him realize his wrong behavior, he satisfies himself by giving self-made arguments for his every action. By doing this repeatedly, the sense of right and wrong ends.  Such a person sees his personality, theory, and action as perfect.

What is the harm of hypocrisy?

A hypocrite person loses credibility, he is not blessed with sincere relationships, even if they are, they lose them sooner or later.

The biggest loss is the hereafter and the relationship of worship with Allah.

Common Habits/Characteristics of a hypocrite:

Hypocrites distort the society in the name of reform.

A hypocrite has no power to decide.

A hypocrite is not far-sighted.

A hypocrite’s decisions are based on desires, not knowledge.

A hypocrite pleases everyone.

A hypocrite is a coward, he does not have the courage to speak up, so he backbites.

Hypocrites make fun of others.

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